About Bruno

Bruno Dupin is the Founder and CEO of Startup Connection USA. He is an Agricultural Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in multinational companies and an international reference in Technology and Innovation, mainly in Agribusiness. Bruno is a technology enthusiast that helps companies + employees think differently and in an innovative/disruptive way.

“I grew up at this small city in Brazil, where Embrapa Corn & Sorghum (USDA brazilian version) is based. I worked with Felipe Gonzalez at Plug and Play in Silicon Valley, and I learned about Fargo when he moved here.”


About Startup Connection USA

Startup Connection USA was founded in 2018 by Bruno Dupin with the purpose of connecting great solutions with several problems! Through an internally developed methodology, they help companies to develop a culture of innovation within organizations, mainly: Creating innovative ideas based on customers demand and co-creating events, workshops, leadership programs, CVC structuring and innovation training for the entire team.



Tell us about Startup Connection USA and your mission.

“Startup Connection helps large Ag companies, investors and Startups to get together, figure out how they can make innovation works and how we can make it faster and cheaper. Our mission is to show everyone that Innovation is more about action that generating ideas and that we are the ones responsible for leading the future of Agriculture. We want to develop the New Silicon Valley in Fargo,ND.”



What are your entrepreneurial highs and lows?

“Highest – Getting known by what I do and not for my Job Title”

“Lowest – Entrepreneurship is full of ups and downs… I figured out that some colleagues at my old job just wanted to stay close to me because I was at à Leadership/Key position. It scared me a lot!”



What is the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

“Before trying to sell a PowerPoint presentation, build your MVP, find your market fit and improve your business.”



Startup Connection USA is officially a part of the Fargo-Moorhead founder family. How can our community support you in your next stage of growth?

“As you know, our company is based on meaningful connections. We would love to build a strong network to improve Fargo’s Agtech ecosystem. Our goal is to bring 5 Latin Startups to town. If you could join our meetings requests and be opened to learn a bit more about what Brazilian startups are doing, that’d be a great start!”

Check out Startup Connection USA!

Readers can learn more about Bruno and Startup Connection USA by visiting their  Facebook page and website!

Ashlyn Schauer

Ashlyn is a Jamestown, North Dakota native pursuing her masters in Communication at NDSU. She is involved in a variety of different organizations across NDSU and loves being active in the FM area. Ashlyn is passionate about community engagement and public relations especially when it comes to the Fargo/Moorhead community. In her free time she enjoys playing hockey, traveling, grabbing coffee downtown, and relaxing with friends.