About Aaron Mooney

Aaron Mooney is the co-founder of Tugboat, a gBETA alum and a current participant in the 2024 gener8tor ND cohort. With extensive insurance experience spanning thousands of claims across dozens of carriers, Aaron is dedicated to building creative solutions to complex problems and improving the insurance experience and service quality in an ever-changing landscape. Aaron moved to Grand Forks in 1998, he spent most of his childhood in Grand Forks and eventually met his wife, bought a house and started a family. Aaron was brought to Fargo mainly because of the company Gener8tor, but he was also motivated to move to Fargo as his sisters and their families reside in Fargo.

About Tugboat

With Tugboat’s user-friendly tools, you can negotiate better settlements and navigate each step confidently, resulting in more money and less stress. Simply answer a few questions about your situation and Tugboat will determine the best steps for you. Use the Tugboat Report to effectively communicate with your adjuster, addressing any settlement issues or avoiding mistakes from the start if your claim is new.


Tell us about your company and your mission.

Tugboat simplifies the insurance claims process by helping you improve your settlement with ease. “Insurance companies underpay and wrongfully deny claims and there’s nothing the policyholder can do about it. We’re fixing that.”


What are some wins you’re celebrating?

“Tugboat users increase their claim settlement by an average of $15k. That’s pretty awesome.”


What is the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

“Nothing forces professional growth like taking on immense responsibility – It’s kind of like having kids. You’re never ‘ready’ but when failure isn’t an option you figure it out.”


Tugboat is officially a part of the Fargo-Moorhead founder family. How can our community support you in your next stage of growth?

“We’re obsessed with making insurance better and would love to become friends with anyone you know who is interested in doing the same.”



What are you grateful for today?

“I love this question! I’m incredibly grateful to be physically and mentally able to work and provide for my family. I’m grateful for the support of my amazing wife in pursuing big, risky things. I’m grateful that my cousin is my co-founder and we get to work together on something we care about. I’m grateful that we found a real problem to solve and had the perfect soup of skills and experience to do something about it. I’m grateful for the support of gener8tor and all the friends and mentors we’ve gained through them.”



You can learn more about Aaron Mooney and Tugboat by visiting his LinkedIn page or website!

Carly Pfennig

Carly Pfennig is from Bismarck, North Dakota currently studying at Minnesota State University of Moorhead for both Communications and Marketing. Carly is very passionate about forming connections within both the community as well as being the helping hand for people in need!