Our offices at Emerging Prairie are far from glamorous. Until recently, the snazziest item we had was probably a Keurig – a donation from the Greg’s Stuff foundation. Often there weren’t enough chairs. A bin of old TEDxFargo stuff served as my makeshift standing desk.
Thanks to Midcontinent Communications, I can proudly announce that I am writing this from MY VERY OWN BRAND NEW STANDING DESK!
Midcontinent Communications presented Emerging Prairie with a $2,500 grant for new equipment, and it has really spruced up the space.
“We’re very excited to be bringing our services to Fargo ND, excited to be part of the Fargo community…and we appreciate Emerging Prairie’s efforts to promote the tech sector in the Fargo,” said Justin Forde, Midcontinent Director of Public Affairs.

Justin Forde, Annika Nynas, and Sam Jacobs.
With that money, we were able to purchase new monitors for the team…
real legitimate standing desks…
…and some new comfy chairs!
“With the money from Midcontinent, we were able to buy equipment that overall helps us tell our story,” said Sam Jacobs, accountant for Emerging Prairie.
Thanks, Midcontinent!
Photos by Marisa Jackels.