The final Startup Drinks event of 2015 is next week! Join us on Thursday, December 10, 2015 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM for an evening of drinks, food and merriment. This month we will be celebrating at CoSchedule’s snazzy new headquarters at the Meadowlark building – and offering a toast to Todaymade’s recent acquisition! Don’t miss the fun. We want you to be there.
As with every Startup Drinks we’ve asked a few stellar community members to join us as Captains. Here’s a bit about them. Two are transplants, one is liver donor, and one has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Let us know you’re coming here!
Andres Nunez, Appareo Systems
Something people should ask me about: Soccer
You’re a transplant to Fargo, what’s it been like making Fargo home? Love Fargo in every aspect! This is an amazing place to live and raise a family.
How do you think technology continues to positively impact the agricultural sector? It’s huge, the amount of tech on every vehicle and in off road vehicles for sure has increased tremendously in the last 20 years. Now farmers consider their tractor/combines expansions of their offices, on top that the amount of information available that support their decision making process is astounding.
Love to be involved in this part of the tech/electronics business.
How have you been creating a world-class manufacturing platform at Appareo? Mmm… that may take me half a page to answer…. So I’ll just say that I love my job, my company and the people I work with. And that is the exact plan, still work in progress, but we will get there soon!
Jane Schuh, Interim Dean NDSU College of Business
Do you have any nicknames? Nope, not any more. At various times in my life I have been: Jane Bell, Scainer, and Bones…kind of grew out of that last one.
Something people should ask me about: ‘koselig’
Why do you believe higher education is crucial to the future of the workforce? Certainly our universities are important for providing the skills and education that will help fill many of the jobs in our region. But let’s be realistic, not all of the thousands of jobs open in our metro require a college education. However, being known as a city that believes in education is hugely important, even if you’re not directly involved with one of our universities. I’d go beyond saying that higher education is crucial: I’d say that K-12 education is crucial and that a flourishing arts community is crucial. We’ve got that. We have a beautiful culture going here. Having thousands of vibrant, intelligent young people infused into our community attracts other young people and other cool people and other interesting people. That’s where I want to live and work. It’s building the community you want to live in.
You’ve shared the idea of “Community as Campus,” can you describe what that means? When I look at what we’ll need to continue to grow and develop, I see what an incredible asset our college student population is. We want (need) these people to stay here to bring their considerable talents to the table. I heard “Community as Campus” for the first time from Doug and Joe Burgum, and I thought, “Yes! That’s what we need. Get the students involved in owning their community and thinking about that next step. Who would want to leave?”
I’ve challenged each of the faculty members in the College of Business at NDSU to think of at least one way that they can get their students out into the community, whether that be participating in 1 Million Cups, tax preparation for community members, coworking in the Prairie Den, or participating in leadership training for HS students. I’ve been talking with Marsha Weber, who is MSUM’s Dean of the Paseka School of Business, about doing something jointly with our students in the community. Maybe we can get Concordia in the act, too.
If you could bring in anyone to do a guest lecture at Barry Hall, who would it be and why?
Sheryl Sandberg. She has the message that is important for a lot of us to hear, about work, personal responsibility, and resilience.
What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know? I was a liver donor in 2007 for my brother-in-law. Really cool experience. Really cool scar.
Evan Hammond, CoSchedule
After the big move, what’s your favorite thing about being in the Meadowlark Building?
Having enough room for everyone on the team to be able to have a desk.
What advice can you give to someone who wants to pursue a career as a developer?
Being a developer really boils down to the passion you have for the subject. The more passion you have, the more you will excel in the field.
If you could meet any famous person from the Tech World, who would it be and why?
Probably Addy Osmani. He contributes to a large portion of some of the most ubiquitous JS tools available in today’s environment.
What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?
I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Cornelius Cliett, NerdSynq

Do you have any nicknames? Corey
Something people should ask me about: Serendipity
Why do you love the gaming community in Fargo? I love the Fargo gaming community because its rich with talent, ideas and potential.
You’re a transplant to Fargo, what’s your favorite thing you’ve discovered about your new home? Speeding Tickets are cheap, and Networking is a blast.
If you could offer a piece of advice to Fargo new-comers, what would you share? Keep your mind open, and do what you love. If you do what you love the world will come to you.
What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know? I am the first entrepreneur of my family.
Sign up for Dec. 10 Startup Drinks here!