As a final project for Emerging Digital Academy’s 20-week Fullstack Course, students get connected with local non-profits who are looking to solve business problems through technology.


For each cohort, Emerging Digital Academy selects 3 to 4 pro-bono client projects for our students to work on. These projects are properly scoped with our instructors to ensure that the students can achieve success under the constrained timeline and appropriate expectations. The projects are designed, built, and tested by our students and ultimately handed off to the client upon graduation. 


Four Conway Cohort students have partnered up with Hopeful Heart Project to offer their services in an effort to optimize their digital communications. Group members Bryce Barsness, Mason Leonhart, Quinn Johnson, and Tre Olson are working to support Hopeful Heart Project’s mission of providing hope, healing, and support to parents who have endured the tremendous loss of a child.


The Hopeful Heart Project works to fulfill their promise that no parent may walk this path alone. The organization is looking to find a more private way of communication compared to traditional outlets. These students are working to create a solution to their problem, ensuring privacy and protection for families. 


While navigating the challenges of third party softwares, this Conway group created a program called the Family Connections application. This private resource is meant to connect those who have experienced the loss of a child, ensuring the Hopeful Hearts team confidence in their privacy as they move forward.


Group members have also been working on their solo projects, and will continue to progress on those during this time. Bryce is working on Planell, an application that calculates the panels needed to line the concrete foundation of a house in order to help reduce waste. Mason is working on Melt, an expense tracker to help categorize your spending over various lengths of time. Quinn is working on Home Cool Helper, an application that provides you recipes based on the ingredients in your pantry.


Join us virtually on Tuesday, April 6th at 12 pm to hear the students give their Client Presentations. Learn more about the event here.

Jessica Anderson

Jessica is the Marketing and Communications Manager, focusing on social media, content creation, and marketing strategies for Emerging Prairie brands and events, including Emerging Digital Academy, Founders Ecosystem, StartupBREW Fargo and TEDxFargo.