IMG_7939The Arthur Ventures and FM Economic Development Corporation sponsored event, Cultivate.You, made a big splash in the local startup community this past Friday.  Over 800 participants gathered to hear words of wisdom from Mike Cannon-Brookes, co-CEO of Australian startup phenomenon Atlassian, which has recently achieved over $150 million dollars in annual sales and is by far Australia’s most successful software startup.  Joining Cannon-Brookes was Forbes Publisher Rich Karlgaard, who is a native of Bismark, North Dakota.

The Forum was on site to cover the event, as were other media outlets in addition to Emerging Prairie.  The FM EDC also featured a great blog post on the event.

We’ll have some great related coverage on Mike Cannon-Brookes and other participants in the Cultivate.You and Cultivate 2013 events.  Stay tuned!


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Miguel Danielson