
1 Million Cups: Simply Made Apps

Last week at 1 Million Cups we heard from Bill Burgess, co-founder of the startup Simply Made Apps. The startup was created when one of the co-founders had a problem…

GDI Fargo launch party video re-cap!

Shannon Luney and Megan Beck have launched a chapter of Girl Develop It coding courses in Fargo, and on October 9, over 100 people gathered at the Loretta building to…

New "early service" to 1 Million Cups: Group Think

Although “groupthink” by definition means a group of people thinking the same things, Brittany Sickler and Karis Thompson have organized an event called Group Think that is exactly the opposite.…

Girl Develop It comes to Fargo

Shannon Luney and Megan Beck never imagined they would get into coding. And that’s exactly why they decided to open a Fargo chapter of Girl Develop It, an international non-profit…

1 Million Cups Recap: October 1, 2014

If you missed 1 Million Cups last week, never fear! Check out this video to get a taste of the fun. Thanks once again to Rachel Black and Sam Jacobs…

Burrito to business: the GoodSurv story

Sometimes inspiration strikes in remarkable places. For Sam Jacobs, it was while alone in Qdoba, eating a burrito. When looking over his receipt, he noticed that at the bottom it…

Talk and tasty treats at Startup Drinks

Almost a hundred entrepreneurs, designers, developers, community builders, and other interested Fargo locals filled CoCo Fargo last Wednesday evening, September 24, for Emerging Prairie’s Startup Drinks event. The event, organized…

BUILDing a better future for healthcare

Healthcare, while a controversial subject, is a vital component to any society. Why is it then, that it is also an industry sorely lacking in innovative technology? Yesterday morning, hundreds…

BUILD is live!

Step outside downtown Fargo today or tomorrow, and you are sure to run into large crowds of smartly dressed men and women wearing yellow banded nametags. Why? Because Intelligent Insites’…

CoCo brings co-working to Fargo

There is a fortune cookie fortune slipped in the corner of the “Welcome to CoCo” sign of Fargo’s brand new co-working space on 122 N. Broadway. It reads, “Really great…