
The return of 1 Million Cups: Josh Christy presents Booth

After a month-long hiatus, 1 Million Cups is shaking off the slumber and caffeinating the community once again, on Wednesday January 7, 9:15 AM at the Stage at Island Park.…

Why 2014 was a phenomenal year for Fargo's entrepreneurs

Fargo is a city on the grow. That’s no surprise to many of us. This past year was especially fruitful for the entrepreneurial community – a growth that everyone else…

Greg Tehven shares how to make 2015 the "Year of the Entrepreneur"

“I predict with great confidence that 2015 will be the Year of the Entrepreneur,” writes Emerging Prairie co-founder Greg Tehven, in his latest article for Fargo Monthly. Tehven looks back on this past…

Why we're still making New Year's resolutions

It’s that time again. The time where we yell and throw firecrackers and drink champagne at midnight. The time where we watch the clock tick ever onwards, and realize how…

North Dakota leads the nation in fiber optic access

The cold sure doesn’t slow us down. According to a report released Monday, North Dakota is now leading the nation in high-speed fiber optic access to the Internet. The report…

December in review

The last month of 2014, come and gone! Although the break from 1 Million Cups may have deprived us of our weekly “church for entrepreneurs,” there was still a lot…

Greg Cant Announces This is his last year as Concordia Business School Dean

On Monday, December 22, Dr. Alan “Greg” Cant announced that he has accepted a new position as dean of the School of Business at Montclair State University in New Jersey,…

Happy Holidays from Emerging Prairie!

Wish lists, shopping stress, and hectic travel plans aside, it’s at last time to sit back and spend some good quality time with family and friends. Oh, and don’t forget…

Entrepreneurs have wish lists, too!

T’were the days before Christmas, and all through the land, Not a startup was known. No co-founder, no man. “We must counteract!” Exclaimed the Emerging Prairie crew. And so they…

The last Startup Drinks of 2014

That’s a wrap! The last Startup Drinks (SUDs) of 2014 was held this past Wednesday, December 17, marking it as our 15th Startup Drinks ever. Over 80 people gathered at…